(Ir)regular singularities and Quantum Field Theory


| Enumerative invariants and Riemann-Hilbert problems

A construction of Frobenius manifolds from stability conditions


Anna Barbieri, Jacopo Stoppa and Tom Sutherland


Enumerative invariants and Riemann-Hilbert problems


A finite quiver
Q without loops or 2-cycles defines a 3CY triangulated category D(Q) and a finite heart A(Q). We show that if Q satisfies some (strong) conditions then the space of stability conditions Stab(A(Q)) supported on this heart admits a natural family of semisimple Frobenius manifold structures, constructed using the invariants counting semistable objects in D(Q). In the case of An evaluating the family at a special point we recover a branch of the Saito Frobenius structure of the An singularity y2=xn+1. We give examples where applying the construction to each mutation of Q and evaluating the families at a special point yields a different branch of the maximal analytic continuation of the same semisimple Frobenius manifold. In particular we check that this holds in the case of An, n≤5.




Barbieri, Anna, Jacopo Stoppa, and Tom Sutherland. “A construction of Frobenius manifolds from stability conditions.” Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 118.6 (2019): 1328-1366
