(Ir)regular singularities and Quantum Field Theory



Random Matrices and Gauge theories

Multiple phases and meromorphic deformations of unitary matrix models


Leonardo Santilli and Miguel Tierz


Random matrices and Gauge theories


We study a unitary matrix model with Gross-Witten-Wadia weight function and determinant insertions. After some exact evaluations, we characterize the intricate phase diagram. There are five possible phases: an ungapped phase, two different one-cut gapped phases and two other two-cut gapped phases. The transition from the ungapped phase to any gapped phase is third order, but the transition between any one-cut and any two-cut phase is second order. The physics of tunneling from a metastable vacuum to a stable one and of different releases of instantons is discussed. Wilson loops, β-functions and aspects of chiral symmetry breaking are investigated as well. Furthermore, we study in detail the meromorphic deformation of a general class of unitary matrix models, in which the integration contour is not anchored to the unit circle. The ensuing phase diagram is characterized by symplectic singularities and captured by a Hasse diagram.




Santilli, Leonardo and Miguel Tierz. “Multiple phases and meromorphic deformations of unitary matrix models.” Nuclear Physics B (2022).
